“It’s hard to get a job without previous work experience, and it’s hard to get work experience without a job.” Does this catch-22 sound familiar? Too many recent graduates get pinched when even entry-level positions require 3-5 years’ experience.
Let’s face it, even when the US economy is humming along, it contains a strange paradox. Employers have a hard time finding workers and positions go unfilled. If you look around, you’ll see local employers offering signing bonuses and they are willing to completely train new employees. Yet simultaneously many workers have a hard time finding appropriate employment with a living wage. Often times, their formal education didn’t prepare them with tangible employable and professional skills that industry seeks. Yes, this paradox can be explained in part by changing labor market requirements and increased demand for higher levels of formal education. But even degree holders often find it difficult to enter the workforce, and many are still underemployed well into their thirties!
In today’s economy, having relevant skills clearly affords job seekers a competitive advantage. The solution is clear: work-based learning. In work-based learning (WBL) programs, learners at any age can get the experience employers are seeking while gaining the skills and credentials they need to enter and succeed in their first, or next, career. Workplace learning experiences are beneficial for all learners but can be especially useful for low-income students, people who have jobs but lack the skills necessary for better-paying positions, and opportunity youth who may otherwise not have access to the educational opportunities, professional networks, and social capital that often play a critical role in career success.
WBL Benefits to Learners and Workers:
Gain exposure to the world of work.
Get firsthand involvement in specific occupations or industries.
Gain experience that reinforces academic instruction.
Get a paying job that may become permanent.
Likewise, work-based learning helps employers gain access to job candidates who have the hands-on experience they’re seeking. Traditional classroom-based educations and many third-party job training programs don’t usually offer instruction tailored to the specific needs of individual employers. But when employers work with schools or other partners to design work-based learning programs, they can ensure that the curriculum and on-the-job activities cover the skills that workers need to succeed in crucial roles at their organizations.
WBL Benefits to Businesses and Employers
Develop more robust talent pipelines.
Access a diverse and innovative labor pool.
Earn a reputation for being a great place to work.
Boost their business prospects.
Loyal, well-trained employees
Yet many educational institutions have been slow to adapt. While no one is outright opposed to providing learners with career-connected learning opportunities, WBL remains a tiny percentage of our student experience. Our colleagues are supportive, but not committed. Even where it does exist, WBL happens “over there” in that one department of the institution, and it is often supported by short-term or one-time funds.
Our business partners are craving a resurgence of work ethic curriculum in local schools. Our curriculum is craving true integration with industry. Our learners are craving relevant education and training that prepares them with a competitive advantage.
It is time to ignite a tipping point at every institution to advance work-based learning so that it is an embedded part of the learner experience for all students - not just a few. There are many ways to do this. One effective approach is to create the time and space for a truly impactful shared experience, informed by the best industry thought leaders in America, for every employee of your school, district, or college. Getting everyone inspired, informed, and motivated about WBL is a great first, or next, step. It is time to redefine the goal and solve our workforce paradox once and for all.
Learn more about bringing Catapult’s Work-Based Learning masterclass to your institution at www.CatapultLPD.com.